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Kirsten Han

A Singaporean independent journalist, activist, and cat slave.

26 October 2024: That's one political refugee we didn't see coming

19 October 2024: Circus and spectacle

12 October 2024: Putting the death penalty on trial

The cost is too damn high.

5 October 2024: Shanmugam's "kinder and safer" world... for dogs

28 September 2024: Well, that was a bit underwhelming…

MHA surveys Singaporeans on the death penalty again

NTUC: For the PAP or for the workers?

Here comes the Pope

Wake up Singapore’s defamation case comes to a close

Lawrence Wong’s leads PAP into its very demure, very mindful era

Hey NUS, what’s going on?

When your POFMA confirms the thing you’re trying to POFMA

Plumbing the depths with Singapore’s death penalty

Basketballer meme your head lah, RI