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Kirsten Han

A Singaporean independent journalist, activist, and cat slave.

The time we lost to the pandemic

Why won’t lawyers take late-stage capital cases?

Happy Belated Birthday (and Press Freedom Day) to WTC!

Nagaenthran goes home, Datchina wins time

In anger, in grief.

Singapore keeps trying to clear its death row “backlog”

A new answer to the succession question

Over 400 Singaporeans protest the death penalty

Singapore’s first execution in two years

When will we stop killing “small people” who need care?

Edging towards "normalcy"? Covid restrictions loosened

Thread: Reflecting on foreign influence operations, FICA, and what to do

What can Singaporeans do about the information war?

An elastic commitment to accountability and checks on power

WTC Long Read: Getting misinformation about the war? Start here.

WTC Long Read: Getting misinformation about the war? Start here.