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Kirsten Han

A Singaporean independent journalist, activist, and cat slave.

Is it normal that the cops want to talk to you for ??? reason

An activist ✊🏼 sues the police 👮🏼

"misnomered": A chapter from Brown Is Redacted

Double standards and legal/illegal “assemblies”

Turns out we’ve been sentencing some sex offenders wrongly

When it comes to drugs, a different approach is possible

Shanmugam’s War on Drugs campaign

Singapore’s government considers cancelling “cancel culture”

15 days in prison for a 15-second photo

What are we actually trying to do? : On punishment and prisons

A giant kerfuffle over athletes smoking pot 🙄

More Section 377A reactions and workplace deaths

PAP government to amend Constitution to "protect" straight marriage

Is S377A really on its way out?

Handwringing over straight marriage