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Kirsten Han

A Singaporean independent journalist, activist, and cat slave.

Goodbye and good riddance, Section 377A! 🏳️‍🌈

Money, money, money (and POFMA)

Taking the fight to the state

Vote PAP or the sky might fall (allegedly)

Branson rejects debate challenge, swimmers get fined for weed consumption

The long-awaited book (update)

Maybe Shanmugam should debate the International Bar Association too

Why talk to Richard Branson? Talk to Singaporeans.

Constitutional amendments, films, and conditional warnings

Is it normal that the cops want to talk to you for ??? reason

An activist ✊🏼 sues the police 👮🏼

"misnomered": A chapter from Brown Is Redacted

Double standards and legal/illegal “assemblies”

Turns out we’ve been sentencing some sex offenders wrongly

When it comes to drugs, a different approach is possible