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Kirsten Han

A Singaporean independent journalist, activist, and cat slave.

Foreign policy, online freedom, and the point of conditional warnings

Hidup Rakyat! Hidup Pekerja!

Labour Day 2023: Power to the People

The state kills as the ruling party gets into petty fights

Aren’t we supposed to be all about rule of law and due process?

The first execution notice of 2023

District judge disagrees with submissions in Karl Liew case

HR23: What if there was less judgment and more care?

The Online Citizen crowdfunds to cover fine and cost order

The public service? Politicised? Surely not?!

#@%! your “temperate and dignified”

More Lee family feud side drama

Harassment and human rights reports

Book update: I sent it innnnn (again)

Who uses an awards ceremony for kids to kpkb about their rival? 😒